Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Changes in our Pandemic World

 Well, to say 2020 caught us off guard is a huge understatement.

From having a normal Christmas in 2019 to the beginning warning signs in early 2020, never in my wildest dreams did I foresee the changes we have all experienced in 2020 and now as we begin 2021.

I am now slowly re-adjusting to a mindset of not thinking soon it will be over and no more pandemic to a mindset of learning how to adapt to our drastically changed world.

I miss, greatly, going out to lunch or dinner with family and friends.  I miss going to the cinema and enjoying the coziness of popcorn, a diet coke and seating, all crammed in close, in a dark movie theatre.

The changes have now been adapted in to my usual routine - carry out and mail order shopping.  Whole Foods delivery and Amazon bring my packages right to my door.

I kind of think I am eating better overall.  While I manage to squeeze in an occasional Starbucks, my Jamaica Blue morning coffee is just as delightful made at home while I watch the sun rise - as I moved my coffee maker to the family room as well, why not?

I also found a new coffee based on the recommendation of someone dear to me - a delightful double caffeine, cannoli flavored one that I love adding heavy whipping cream to.

Life has changed and will continue changing as we progress in 2021, but we can also savor the moments of less rushing and more reflection.

Being real - life in our social media world

 I've watched a steady flood of doctored photos last year - all made hazy, showing the selfie taker looking, well in many cases, drastically different than a real life pic.

I guess for me, it is a mystery as to why a woman (I'm sure there are some men out these using the filters too) feels the need to post pics of herself - only using altering filters.

For me, I choose to live my life filter free - yes, when you see me in person, I look the same as I do in my pics on social media.

Welcoming in 2021

 2021 is here and I sure hope it brings us all much more joy then 2020.

Overall, despite the worries of the pandemic - 2020 was a pretty good year for me as it was a time of pondering and reflection - on many topics.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Smashing Writers Block - Find Joy in the Simple Things

 Find Joy in the Simple Things

Let’s get back to basics and find the joys in everyday life. 

One way to welcome joy into your life is to unplug completely from your phone, computer, tablet, etc. so you’re more present in each moment and so you can actually recognize joy when it appears. 

Do you eat dinner every night with your family? 

Do you know what your kids are doing in school or in their activities? 

When was the last time you allowed yourself time to play board games or read bedtime stories? 

When was the last time you really connected with your spouse or partner? 

Even if you live alone, think about the last time you allowed yourself fun time away from the computer?

Think about the hobbies you used to enjoy prior to marriage/kids/business. 

Now is the time to add at least one of those things back into your life. Join a gym. Join a walking or running club. Volunteer at your favorite charity. Read a book. Learn how to meditate. Learn how to play a new sport. Discover new hiking trails. Write in a journal.

Smash Writer's Block -Why Your Brain Needs a Break

 Why Your Brain Needs a Break

In today’s technological world with constant news cycles and instant access to electronics, it’s all too easy to wear ourselves out with too much news and other stimuli. 

Do you often lose steam mid-afternoon, especially if you’re working hard to meet a deadline? 

Your body and your brain physically can only handle so much before they go into shut down mode. 

Experts believe that “employees spend more than half their workdays receiving and managing information than using it to do their jobs”.

Maybe you’ve noticed that you’re not working as efficiently later in the day or it’s harder to concentrate on business tasks. 

Even if you’re s writing, do you find yourself getting distracted? Your brain is telling you it needs a break, similar to rebooting your computer.

Smashing Writer's Block -Become Inspired by Your Hobbies

 Become Inspired by Your Hobbies

Even though it seems counterintuitive to think about spending time enjoying your hobbies while building a business, you’ll discover that allowing your brain to relax and enjoy something other than business will spur your creativity. 

Have you ever had an incident where you can’t remember the title of a book or who starred in a particular movie but then you had an a-ha moment as soon as you stopped thinking about it? 

Have you heard stories of people who are inspired while in the shower and then are scrambling to write down their brilliant idea while they’re soaking wet? 

Jerry Seinfeld added a scene to his famous television show about writing the funniest joke ever while dreaming, wrote it down in the middle of the night, but couldn’t read his handwriting in the morning.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

The Martian by Andy Weir

The MartianThe Martian by Andy Weir
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I prefer to read the book before seeing the movie - and as typical did so with this book.
Absolutely loved both book and movie. Edge of your seat read in many places and of course, left me wondering what I would do if ever in this situation.
Definitely on my recommend list.

View all my reviews

Titanic Book of the Kid Servants

Fasten your seatbelt and get ready.  We are time traveling back to 1912.  April 1912.  Yes, we are aboard the magnificent Titanic.  A ship o...